The mission of PPRI is to help scientific policy formulation at the national and sub national levels with preference to Kerala and engender more clued-up public policy debates in the society. In order to fulfill this mission, the Institute will undertake research, consultancy, training, documentation, publication and advocacy.
Some of the specific activities in pursuance of this mission will be for:
- providing advisory services to governments, public bodies and other institutions;
- making use of the rich experience and expertise of Civil Servants and Researchers who retired from their active institutional service but enthusiastic and motivated to contribute more to the society;
- making an inventory of Indian expertise available in the world and to make use of them in the policy formulation at the national as well as state level;
- disseminating information on policy issues through various conduit;
- strengthening government’s capacity to articulate well designed policies and to effectively implement it;
- augmenting the capacity of government officials, public managers, and executives of public sector undertakings with the latest skills and techniques for policy analysis and implementation as effective leadership is one of the key drivers to meet the challenges of good governance;
- facilitating interaction of experts with legislators who seek a deeper understanding of legislative issues;
- supporting research and documentation by offering fellowships, internships and awards;
- instituting lecture series by scholars in various policy related disciplines;
- bringing out quality publications and monographs in policy related areas; and
- promotion of key drivers to meet the challenges of good governance;